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2019 PARCC Results

August 22, 2019

On Monday, Mayor Bowser released the citywide 2019 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) results. We are very pleased to share that, for the eighth year running, DC Prep is the highest-performing network of public schools citywide.

Additionally, the 2019 PARCC scores for schools in Wards 5, 7, and 8, the communities in which our campuses are located, highlight the unequal access to great schools in our nation’s capital, which directly relates to our mission of bridging the educational divide in Washington, DC.

Note: 4+ designates students who scored Proficient or Advanced on PARCC.

Senior Academy PARCC performance. This year, 58% of our Senior Academy students were meeting or exceeding expectations in Math and 64% in ELA. This is on par with, or stronger than, the results at many of the most sought-after public schools in the city. And there is very little difference between the outcomes for our students overall and those who are considered “at risk” by the DC government (i.e., are homeless, in foster care, or receive TANF). Notably, our 7th and 8th grade “At Risk” scores were the highest in the city.

The state-level 3rd through 8th grade PARCC scores, issued by local education officials including the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), demonstrate the efficacy of DC Prep’s educational model and serve as a proof point for a high-quality, Common Core-aligned public education.

The District of Columbia adopted a rigorous national proficiency level on PARCC of 4+. The PARCC exam scores each student’s college and career readiness performance levels on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows:

  • Level 1: Did Not Yet Meet Expectations,
  • Level 2: Partially Met Expectations,
  • Level 3: Approached Expectations,
  • Level 4: Met Expectations, and
  • Level 5: Exceeded Expectations.

We always see opportunities to improve in service of our students, and will continue to work and ensure that all of our students receive an education that will enable them to succeed.

For more information about citywide results, click here.

*Students in 3rd through 8th grade were administered PARCC assessments in SY2016-17 at DC Prep’s Benning and Edgewood clusters. DC Prep’s Anacostia Elementary Campus opened in SY2015-16 with preschool and pre-k, and this year AEC third grade students will take the PARCC assessment for the first time. 

2019 PARCC results and DC Prep’s comparative standing are exclusively based on information released by OSSE as of August 19, 2019.