The My School DC application deadline is Monday, March 3. Schedule a DC Prep Tour Today

High School Placement

Getting started

The high school placement process begins in the fall of students’ 7th-grade year, when 7th-grade families attend an informational meeting about the high school admission process. We provide you with an information packet and discuss high school options – Selective Public Schools, Charter Schools, Independent Day and Boarding and Catholic Schools.

On-going guidance

In 8th grade, all students participate in a High School Prep Class helping them to gain exposure to different schools and reflecting on their goals for the next four years and beyond. Our High School counselors also meet with families and students individually to discuss interests, goals, and possible best-fit high schools.

Testing and interviews

To help students prepare for high school placement tests, we offer various test prep courses to familiarize students with the test. We also provide mock interviews to help build poise and confidence.

Recommendation letters

Our counselors and math and language arts teachers, who know every student as an individual, write thoughtful, meaningful recommendation letters for applications.

Setting kids up for success.

  • 100% of 8th graders are accepted to college-preparatory high schools.
  • 95% of DC Prep alumni have earned their high school diplomas, compared to 75% of DCPS and 66% of at-risk students citywide.
  • To date, DC Prep graduates have earned over $13 million in high school scholarship support.

See the list of DC Prep Graduates’ High School and College Acceptances