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Honored Recognizes Julie Moeller with National Award!

June 5, 2018

Honored, a national non-profit organization that recognizes exceptional educators and partners with world-class writers to tell their stories, has named Julie Moeller, Edgewood Middle’s Director of High School Placement, as its June Honoree. Ms. Moeller’s talent and unwavering commitment to her students is told through the story of Calvin Carmichael, a DC Prep graduate who she coached, championed, and cheered on throughout his search for the right-fit high school, ultimately choosing Choate Rosemary Hall, one of the nation’s most prestigious boarding schools. But Calvin’s story is not unique. Moeller brings the same dedication and care that are evident in Calvin’s story to all of her students, ensuring the very best next school for each DC Prep graduate.

As part of her award, Moeller received a $5,000 cash award and a $1,000 gift card. Award-winning journalist and author Peter Bergen, a contributor to CNN and Vice President at New America, wrote the profile.

Read more about Julie and her incredible work with Calvin here:

For more on our high school placement and alumni support program, click here.