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2019 OSSE DC School Report Card Results Released

November 26, 2019

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) has released their 2019 DC School Report Card. Each of DC Prep’s eligible campuses (Edgewood Elementary, Edgewood Middle, Benning Elementary, Benning Middle) have earned 4 out of 5 stars for the 2nd year in a row.

The STAR Framework is DC’s statewide accountability system for all district and charter schools, mandated by the federal government and overseen by OSSE. It measures each school’s performance in Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, School Environment, ELL proficiency, and graduation rates. The STAR framework also measures each school’s success serving students with disabilities, students who are at-risk, English Language Learners, and each racial subgroup. Schools receive a STAR score of 1 – 5, with 5 stars being the best.

Additionally, for charter schools, the Performance Management Framework (PMF), is used by the DC Public Charter School Board to assess individual charter school performance.

The Charter Board’s Performance Management System uses a three-tier rating system (with 1 being the highest) and measures college and workforce preparation, English and Math achievement, year-to-year student academic growth, as well as family satisfaction as measured by re-enrollment rates. The Report also includes a description of each school’s unique mission along with other useful information to help families evaluate every public charter school.

For the 2018-19 school year, all eligible DC Prep campuses received a four-star rating from OSSE and a Tier 1 ranking from the Charter Board. By each measure, DC Prep is continuing to achieve our mission and providing a high-quality education to students in our city.

For more on the DC School Report Card, please click here.
To view the DC Public Charter School Board PMF results, please visit their website.